About Prutor

  • Logo of Prutor (with IIT Kanpur branding)
  • Navigation menu with links to Home, Features, Benefits, Institutional Partnerships, Resources, Get Started, News and Updates, and Contact

Hero Section

  • Headline: About Prutor
  • Subheading: Learn more about the vision, mission, and history behind Prutor
  • Background Image: A relevant image, such as a photo of the IIT Kanpur campus or a group of students/educators using Prutor

Our Story

  • History of Prutor: Prutor was developed at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, one of India’s premier technical institutions. Our team of researchers and educators came together to create a platform that would revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach.
  • Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower institutions with AI-powered learning solutions that improve student outcomes, enhance teaching experiences, and increase efficiency.
  • Vision Statement: Our vision is to create a future where every student has access to personalized, adaptive learning that helps them reach their full potential.

The Prutor Team

  • Team Lead/Founder: [Name], Professor, IIT Kanpur
  • Team Members: [List of team members with their designations and brief descriptions]
  • Advisory Board: [List of advisory board members with their designations and brief descriptions]

Awards and Recognition

  • List of awards and recognition: Prutor has received [list of awards, grants, or recognition] for its innovative approach to education.

Partners and Collaborations

  • List of partners and collaborators: Prutor has partnered with [list of institutions, organizations, or companies] to further its mission of improving education.


  • Quote 1: “Prutor has been a game-changer for our institution. The AI-powered adaptive learning has helped our students improve their grades and confidence.” - [Name], - [Institution]
  • Quote 2: “The Prutor team has been incredibly supportive and responsive to our needs. We’re excited to continue our partnership and explore new ways to improve education.” - - [Name], [Institution]