
  • Logo of Prutor (with IIT Kanpur branding)
  • Navigation menu with links to Home, About, Features, Institutional Partnerships, Resources, Get Started, News and Updates, and Contact

Hero Section

  • Headline: Benefits
  • Subheading: Discover the advantages of partnering with Prutor for your institution
  • Background Image: A relevant image, such as a photo of students or educators using Prutor, or a graphic illustrating the benefits

Improved Student Outcomes

  • Description: Prutor’s AI-powered adaptive learning technology helps students achieve better grades, increased confidence, and improved academic performance.
  • Statistics:
  • % increase in student pass rates
  • % improvement in student grades
  • % increase in student engagement and motivation
  • Icon: (a trophy icon or a graph icon)

Enhanced Teaching Experience

  • Description: Prutor provides educators with real-time feedback, automated grading, and data-driven insights, freeing up time for more personalized instruction and support.
  • Statistics:
  • % reduction in grading time and effort
  • % increase in teacher-student interaction and support
  • % improvement in teacher satisfaction and morale
  • Icon: (a clock icon or a smile icon)

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

  • Description: Prutor’s scalable and customizable architecture helps institutions streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve resource allocation.
  • Statistics:
  • % reduction in operational costs
  • % increase in administrative efficiency
  • % improvement in resource allocation and utilization
  • Icon: (a gear icon or a chart icon)

Cost-Effective Solution

  • Description: Prutor is available free of charge to institutions, making it a cost-effective solution for improving education outcomes.
  • Statistics:
  • % reduction in educational costs
  • % increase in ROI on educational investments
  • % improvement in budget allocation and management
  • Icon: (a piggy bank icon or a money icon)

Scalability and Flexibility

  • Description: Prutor’s cloud-based platform can be easily scaled up or down to meet the needs of institutions of any size or complexity.
  • Statistics:
  • % increase in scalability and flexibility
  • % improvement in system reliability and uptime
  • % reduction in IT support and maintenance costs
  • Icon: (a cloud icon or a flexible icon)

Case Studies and Success Stories

  • Description: Read about the success stories of institutions that have partnered with Prutor to improve education outcomes.
  • Links to case studies: [Link to case study 1], [Link to case study 2], [Link to case study 3]
  • Icon: (a book icon or a success icon)