
  • Logo of Prutor (with IIT Kanpur branding)
  • Navigation menu with links to Home, About, Benefits, Institutional Partnerships, Resources, Get Started, News and Updates, and Contact

Hero Section

  • Headline: Features
  • Subheading: Discover the cutting-edge features that make Prutor a powerful tool for institutions
  • Background Image: A relevant image, such as a screenshot of the Prutor platform or a graphic illustrating the features

AI-powered Adaptive Learning

  • Description: Prutor’s AI-powered adaptive learning technology creates personalized learning paths for each student, adjusting the difficulty level and content to meet their - individual needs.


  • Improved sdent outcomes
  • Increased engagement and motivation
  • Real-time feedback and assessment
  • Icon: (a brain icon or a graph icon)

Real-time Feedback and Assessment

  • Description: Prutor provides immediate feedback and assessment, enabling students to track their progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Benefits:
  • Enhanced student understanding and retention
  • Data-driven instruction and decision-making
  • Reduced grading time and effort for educators
  • Icon: (a chart icon or a clock icon)

Personalized Learning Paths

  • Description: Prutor’s AI-powered engine creates customized learning paths for each student, taking into account their strengths, weaknesses, and learning style.
  • Benefits:
  • Increased student engagement and motivation
  • Improved learning outcomes and academic achievement
  • Enhanced teacher-student interaction and support
  • Icon: (a roadmap icon or a compass icon)

Integration with Existing LMS Platforms

  • Description: Prutor seamlessly integrates with existing Learning Management Systems (LMS) platforms, making it easy to implement and adopt.
  • Benefits:
  • Reduced implementation time and effort
  • Increased adoption rates among educators and students
  • Enhanced functionality and features
  • Icon: (a puzzle piece icon or a plug icon)

Scalability and Customization

  • Description: Prutor’s scalable and customizable architecture allows institutions to tailor the platform to their unique needs and requirements.
  • Benefits:
  • Increased flexibility and adaptability
  • Improved user experience and satisfaction
  • Enhanced support for diverse student populations
  • Icon: (a gear icon or a puzzle icon)

Security and Data Privacy

  • Description: Prutor prioritizes security and data privacy, ensuring that student data is protected and secure.
  • Benefits:
  • Compliance with data privacy regulations
  • Protection of sensitive student information
  • Trust and confidence in the Prutor platform
  • Icon: (a lock icon or a shield icon)