Institutional Partnerships

  • Logo of Prutor (with IIT Kanpur branding)
  • Navigation menu with links to Home, About, Features, Benefits, Resources, Get Started, News and Updates, and Contact

Hero Section

  • Headline: Institutional Partnerships
  • Subheading: Collaborate with us to improve education outcomes and empower your institution
  • Background Image: A relevant image, such as a photo of a university or college campus, or a graphic illustrating the concept of partnership

Why Partner with Prutor?

  • Description: By partnering with Prutor, institutions can leverage our cutting-edge AI-powered adaptive learning technology to improve education outcomes, enhance teaching - experiences, and increase efficiency and productivity.


  • Improve stent outcomes and academic performance
  • Enhance teaching experiences and faculty development
  • Increase efficiency and productivity in educational operations
  • Stay ahead of the curve in educational technology and innovation
  • Icon: (a handshake icon or a partnership icon)

Types of Partnerships

  • Research and Development Partnerships: Collaborate with us to develop new AI-powered adaptive learning solutions and advance the field of education technology.
  • Implementation Partnerships: Partner with us to implement Prutor’s technology in your institution and receive support and training for your educators and staff.
  • Content Partnerships: Collaborate with us to develop high-quality educational content and resources that align with your institution’s curriculum and goals.

Current Partners

  • List of current partners: [List of institutions that have partnered with Prutor, with their logos and brief descriptions]


  • Quote 1: “Prutor has been a game-changer for our institution. The AI-powered adaptive learning technology has improved student outcomes and enhanced teaching experiences.” - - [Name], [Institution]
  • Quote 2: “The Prutor team has been incredibly supportive and responsive to our needs. We’re excited to continue our partnership and explore new ways to improve education.” - - [Name], [Institution]

Get Started

  • Description: Ready to partner with Prutor and improve education outcomes in your institution? Contact us to learn more and get started.
  • CTA Button: Contact Us or Get Started
  • Icon: (a mail icon or a phone icon)