Assigning values to static final variables in Java

Course Curriculum

Assigning values to static final variables in Java

Assigning values to static final variables in Java

Assigning values to static final variables in Java:
In Java, non-static final variables can be assigned a value either in constructor or with the declaration. But, static final variables cannot be assigned value in constructor; they must be assigned a value with their declaration.

For example, following program works fine.

class Test {

// i could be assigned a value here
// or constructor or init block also.
final int i;
i = 10;

// other stuff in the class
If we make i as static final then we must assign value to i with the delcaration.

class Test {

// Since i is static final,
// it must be assigned value here
// or inside static block .
static final int i;
i = 10;

// other stuff in the class
Such behavior is obvious as static variables are shared among all the objects of a class; creating a new object would change the same static variable which is not allowed if the static variable is final.

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