Cost function in Logistic Regression

Course Curriculum

Cost function in Logistic Regression

Cost function in Logistic Regression

In the case of Linear Regression, the Cost function is –

But for Logistic Regression,

It will result in a non-convex cost function. But this results in cost function with local optima’s which is a very big problem for Gradient Descent to compute the global optima.

So, for Logistic Regression the cost function is

If y = 1


Cost = 0 if y = 1, hθ(x) = 1
But as,
hθ(x) -> 0
Cost -> Infinity

If y = 0






To fit parameter θ, J(θ) has to be minimized and for that Gradient Descent is required.

Gradient Descent – Looks similar to that of Linear Regression but the difference lies in the hypothesis hθ(x)


Logistic Regression using Python (Prev Lesson)
(Next Lesson) Logistic Regression using Tensorflow