Introduction to C Sharp

Introduction to C Sharp

Introduction to C Sharp


  1. .NET Framework

  2. Pillars of OOPS

  3. Create your First C# Program

  4. Design Practices

  5. Events & Delegates

  6. Dynamic Loading

  7. Interfaces

  8. LINQ

  9. Collection in C#

  10. Comparison of dll and exe

  11. Debugging options

  12. Classes & Objects

  13. Debugging options - Contd...

  14. Equality in C#

  15. Introduction to C#

  16. Important Concepts in C#

  17. Value type vs Reference type

  18. Reference Variable

  19. Value Variable

  20. Auto implemented Properties

  21. Looping

  22. Branching, Switching

  23. Method Overloading & Overriding

  24. Methods

  25. Break vs Continue Statement

  26. Constructors

  27. Method Hiding

  28. Inheritance

  29. Encapsulation

  30. Important concept in Inheritance - 1

  31. Important concept in Inheritance - 2

  32. Multiple Inheritance

  33. Access Modifiers

  34. Enums - 2

  35. Enums - 1

  36. String and StringBuilder Class

  37. Partial Classes

  38. Exception - 2

  39. Exception - 1

  40. Exception - 3

  41. Indexer - 2

  42. Indexer - 1

  43. Extension Methods

  44. == operator

  45. Equals method vs == operator

  46. Object Class

  47. Value equality for reference types

  48. Equals method for Structs

  49. Equals Method

  50. Static Equals Method in C#

  51. List

  52. Arrays

  53. ReadOnly ForEach Loop

  54. Introduction to Collections

  55. Foreach vs For loop

  56. Linked List

  57. LinkedList implementation

  58. Stack

  59. Queue

  60. How ToString method works?

  61. Dictionary enumeration

  62. Dictionary Lookup, Add, Modify

  63. Introduction to Generics

  64. Generics constraints

  65. Introduction - Events, EventArgs, Delegates, Handlers

  66. Demo - Event Handlers & Delegates

  67. Creating Events

  68. Delegates return type

  69. EventArgs

  70. Drawback of Repository Factory

  71. Code Changes for Dynamic Loading

  72. XCopy

  73. Making Changes in Config file

  74. LINQ Simple Example - 1

  75. LINQ Simple Example

  76. LINQ with Custom Types

  77. Introduction to LINQ

  78. Aggregate Functions

  79. Select Individual properties

  80. Inner Join

  81. Group By

  82. Group Joins

  83. Debugging to understand better

  84. Single Responsibility Principle

  85. Open-Closed Principle

  86. Liskov Substitution Principle

  87. Interface Segregation Principle

  88. Summary

  89. Dependency Injection

  90. Interfaces vs Concrete Class - Demo - 1

  91. Extensibility

  92. Interfaces vs Concrete Class - Demo - 2

  93. Extensibility demo 1

  94. Interfaces vs Concrete Class - Demo - 3

  95. Extensibility demo 2

  96. Interface Segregation Principle

  97. Explicit Interface

  98. Extensibility demo 3

  99. IEnumerable - 1

  100. IEnumerable - 3

  101. IEnumerable - 2

  102. IEnumerable - 4

  103. IEnumerable - 5

  104. Introduction to Interfaces

  105. Interface vs Abstract Classes

  106. Interfaces vs Abstract Classes - Contd..

  107. C# Final Quiz

  108. Using C# Source Code File

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