Introduction to Programming – A Practical Approach

Introduction to Programming – A Practical Approach

Introduction to Programming – A Practical Approach


  1. This chapter attempts to cover the basics of computer programming using simple and practical approach for the benefit of the participants. A computer program is simply a set of instructions given to the computer to process data & information and perform desired tasks. Computer programming is the process of giving a set of instructions to the computer.
    1. Introduction to Programming

    2. Introduction to Programming Language

    3. How To Write Source Code

    4. Using Source Code

    5. Compiled and Interpreted Languages

  2. Programming Syntax

    In this chapter, the you’ll get to know about the programming syntax. In computer science, a syntax is a set of rules or structure to create instructions which the computer can understand easily. The purpose of syntax in programming is to represent the statements in a computer understandable format.
    1. Introduction to JavaScript

    2. Writing First Program in JavaScript

    3. Request Input

  3. Datatype and Variables

    This chapter introduces datatypes and variables. When it comes to programming, datatypes and variables are very critical. No programming language can operate without the use of datatypes and variables. Datatypes or simply type is the specification of the kind of data. It denotes the kind of data or value it is. Almost all programming languages support different datatypes like integer, character, boolean etc. A variable is a piece of memory or we can say a container which stores data or value. The datatype of the variables is defined to store the data as per the requirements in the program.
    1. Working with Characters and Strings

    2. Using Operators

    3. What are Variable and Datatype?

    4. Strong, Loose and Duck-typed Languages

    5. Working with Numbers

    6. Using White Space

    7. Adding Comments to code for Human Understanding

  4. Understanding Conditional Code

    This chapter covers conditional logic and introduces conditional statements. Decision making is critical to computer programming. There will be different scenarios when you will be given two or more options and you will have to select an option based on the given conditions. For that you’ll have to include conditional statements within your program. There are different statements available to implement conditions within the program. These are if-else statement, netted if statement and switch-case statement.
    1. Working with if Statement

    2. Building with Complex Conditions

    3. Setting Comparison Operators

    4. Writing the Switch Statement

  5. Introduction to Modular Code

    This chapter covers an introduction to Modular code. The modular programming is a process of fragmenting or dividing a computer program into separate sub-programs or modules. A module is a separate software component which can often be used in a variety of applications and functions with other components of the system. Similar functions are grouped together in the same unit of programming code and separate functions are developed as separate units of code so that the code can be reused by other applications.
    1. Breaking your Code a Part

    2. Creating and Using Functions

    3. Working with Parameters and Arguments

    4. Variable Scope

    5. Splitting Code into Different Files

  6. Introduction to Iteration Using Loops

    This chapter covers iteration using loops. Iteration is the process wherein a set of instructions or structures are sequentially repeated for the desired number of times till the condition is met. In this chapter, you’ll learn to create iteration statements or looping statements which are while loop and for loop. The main focus here is on JavaScript, but loops are applicable in multiple programming languages and will help you understand the implementation and working of different loops.
    1. What is Iteration?

    2. Creating a While Statement

    3. Writing a For Loop

  7. Strings in Detail

    This chapter attempts to cover Strings. A string is typically a contiguous sequence of symbols or values. Technically, a string is an array of characters which includes letters, numerals, symbols and punctuation marks. The length is an important characteristic of string which is nothing but the count of total characters in a string. The length can be any natural number. A useful string in different programming applications is an empty string which contains no characters and the string length is zero. Another important term in strings is a substring which is any contiguous sequence of characters within a string. This chapter covers details of strings operations like adding two strings and converting characters to uppercase and lowercase etc.
    1. Using String Concatenation

    2. How to find Patterns in Strings

    3. What are Regular Expressions?

  8. Collections

    This chapter is all about collections. A collection is referred to as a grouping of data items that have some shared significance to the problem being solved and need to be operated upon together in some controlled manner. Generally, data items will be of same type or in languages supporting inheritance, derived from parent type. A collection is a concept which is applicable to abstract data types and does not prescribe a specific implementation as a concrete data structure, though often there is a conventional choice.
    1. Working with Arrays

    2. Nature of Arrays

    3. Looping through Collections

    4. Collections in Other Languages

  9. Programming Approach

    This chapter will cover the programming approach. Object oriented programming languages provide multiple effective techniques which are important for programming and design. The vital thing is look for the designs that fit the problems and use the language constructs that best represent the designs in the code.
    1. Introduction to Programming Approach

    2. Writing Pseudo Code

  10. Input and Output Basics

    This chapter covers the basics of input and output which are the two important aspects of programming. The term Input is referred to as supplying data or information to the computer program while output is the information received from the computer which could be the result of any specified operation or process. There are multiple programming languages which include built-in functions for accepting input data and supply it to the computer program for specified tasks. The same data will be processed by the computer and will be returned back in the form of output. The output could be any data displayed on the screen or any information printed on the paper through printer.
    1. Input-output and Persistence

    2. Reading and Writing from the DOM

    3. Event Driven Programming

    4. What is File I-O

  11. When we Make Mistakes

    This chapter will cover the know hows of debugging. While writing the programs, there will be different situations where an error will occur. The error can be fixed by debugging the code. Debugging, in computer programming, is a multistep process that involves identifying a problem, isolating the source of the problem, and then either correcting the problem or determining a way to work around it. The final step of debugging is to test the correction or workaround and make sure it works.
    1. What is debugging?

    2. Tracing Through a Section of Code

    3. Understanding Error Messages

    4. Using Debuggers

  12. What is Object-Orientation?

    This chapter attempts to cover the details object oriented programming. Object-oriented programming (OOP) as the name suggests is the language which works around objects. OOP refers to a type of computer programming (software design) in which programmers not only define the datatype of a data structure, but also the types of operations that can be applied to the data structure. There are multiple object oriented programming languages available such as Java, C++ and C#.
    1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Languages

    2. Classes and Objects

    3. Review of Object-Oriented Languages

  13. Advanced Topics

    This chapter covers some of the advanced concepts of programming like memory management, algorithms and multithreading. Multithreading is process of executing multiple processes or threads concurrently, appropriately supported by the operating system. Multitasking can be achieved by the use of Multiprocessing and Multithreading. However, multithreading is used more frequently because threads share a common memory area. Threads don't allocate separate memory area so saves memory, and context-switching between the threads takes less time than process.
    1. Memory Management Across Languages

    2. What are algorithms?

    3. What is Multi-Threading?

  14. More About Languages

    This chapter covers more about languages. A programming language is a standard computer language which is designed to interact with computer or other machines. Programs can be created to perform specified tasks and to control the behavior of the machines with the help of programming languages.
    1. What are Languages?

    2. C-based Languages

    3. The Java World

    4. .NET Languages- C# and Visual Basic .NET

    5. Ruby

    6. Python

    7. Objective-C
