Learn HTML5, CSS3 & Bootstrap to build responsive website

Learn HTML5, CSS3 & Bootstrap to build responsive website

Learn HTML5, CSS3 & Bootstrap to build responsive website


  1. Getting Started with building BootStrap projects

    1. Introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript & BootStrap

    2. Welcome to Bootstrap

    3. Getting started with the first Bootstrap app

    4. Creating Bootstrap image

    5. CSS Box model

    6. Adding heading

    7. Adding Textboxes

    8. Adding Buttons

    9. Positioning as per the requirement

    10. Adjusting the borders

  2. Building a Pricing app

    1. Introduction to the Project

    2. Creating the Navigation bar - 1

    3. Creating the navigation bar - 2

    4. Understanding Breakpoints and BootStrap Grid system

    5. Creating the Paragraph

    6. Creating Bootstrap cards

    7. Creating Footer

  3. Creating a blog

    1. Creating a blog

    2. Completing the header

    3. Pseudo Elements

    4. Pseudo Classes

    5. Creating navigation bar and jumbotron

    6. Creating cards - 1

    7. Creating cards - 2

    8. Creating Main content

    9. Completing the project

  4. Understanding CSS Flexbox

    1. Introduction to CSS Flexbox

    2. Creating the Header using Flexbox

    3. Using Alignments with Flexbox - 1

    4. Using Alignments with Flexbox - 2

    5. Flex Property in CSS

  5. JavaScript

    1. Introduction to JavaScript

    2. Factory Pattern in JavaScript

    3. Design Patterns in JS

    4. Closures - 1

    5. Closures - 2

    6. Events in JavaScript

    7. Creating a sample application with events - 1

    8. Creating a sample application with events - 2

    9. Creating a simple Photo App with JS Events

    10. Creating a simple to-do list app - 1

    11. Creating a simple to-do list app - 2

    12. Creating a simple to-do list app - 3

    13. Event Propagation

    14. Event Propagation - 2

    15. Event Propagation - 3

    16. Local Storage

    17. JavaScript Timing functions

    18. Web Workers in JavaScript

    19. Web Workers in JavaScript - 2

    20. Call, Apply, Bind Functions in JavaScript

    21. this keyword

    22. JavaScript Chaining

  6. Asynchronous Programming & Other Advanced Concepts

    1. Introduction to Asynchronous Programming

    2. AJAX in JavaScript

    3. Logging data from AJAX requests

    4. JavaScript Callback functions

    5. Promises in JavaScript

    6. Promises in JavaScript - 2

    7. Generators in JavaScript

    8. Generators Advanced

    9. IIFE

    10. Block Scope, Hoisting

    11. Prototype in JavaScript

    12. Summary & Conclusion

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