How to check if a string is a valid keyword in Python?

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How to check if a string is a valid keyword in Python?

How to check if a string is a valid keyword in Python?

In programming, a keyword is a “reserved word” by the language which convey a special meaning to the interpreter. It may be a command or a parameter. Keywords cannot be used as a variable name in the program snippet.

Keywords in Python: Python language also reserves some of keywords that convey special meaning. Knowledge of these is necessary part of learning this language. Below is list of keywords registered by python .

False, elif, lambda,
None, else, nonlocal,
True, except, not,
and, finally, or,
as, for, pass,
assert, from, raise,
break, global, return,
class, if, try,
continue, import, while,
def, in, with,
del, is, yield,

How to check if a string is keyword?
Python in its language defines an inbuilt module “keyword” which handles certain operations related to keywords. A function “iskeyword()” checks if a string is keyword or not. Returns true if a string is keyword, else returns false.

#Instead of writing this massive Python code
#we can also code this in a different way

#Python code to demonstrate working of iskeyword()

# importing "keyword" for keyword operations
import keyword
import keyword
# initializing strings for testing while putting them in an array
keys = ["for", "while", "tanisha", "break", "sky",
"elif", "assert", "pulkit", "lambda", "else", "sakshar"]

for i in range(len(keys)):
# checking which are keywords
if keyword.iskeyword(keys[i]):
print(keys[i] + " is python keyword")
print(keys[i] + " is not a python keyword")

for is a python keyword
prutor is not a python keyword
elif is a python keyword
elseif is not a python keyword
nikhil is not a python keyword
assert is a python keyword
shambhavi is not a python keyword
True is a python keyword
False is a python keyword
akshat is not a python keyword
akash is not a python keyword
break is a python keyword
ashty is not a python keyword
lambda is a python keyword
suman is not a python keyword
try is a python keyword
vaishnavi is not a python keyword

How to print list of all keywords

Sometimes, remembering all the keywords can be a difficult task while assigning variable names. Hence a function “kwlist()” is provided in “keyword” module which prints all the 33 python keywords.

#Python code to demonstrate working of iskeyword()

# importing "keyword" for keyword operations
import keyword

# printing all keywords at once using "kwlist()"
print ("The list of keywords is : ")
print (keyword.kwlist)

The list of keywords is :
['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class',
'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally',
'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda',
'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return',
'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']

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