MySQL – Useful Resources

MySQL – Useful Resources

The following resources contain additional information on MySQL. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic.

Useful Sites on MySQL

  • MySQL and PERL − Its a tutorial from Tutorials Point which explains you how to use MySQL along with PERL and DBI module. Here you will learn all the required MySQL operations along with examples.
  • MySQL Official Website − Here you can download the latest MySQL release, get the MySQL news update. The mailing list is also a great resources for anyone who want to build dynamic websites using MySQL.
  • PHP Official Website: − A complete resource for PHP stuff. Starting from latest PHP updates to latest function manual is available at this site.
  • MySQL at Wikipedia − A small article on MySQL, worth to go through it.
  • MySQL Reference Manual − A complete official reference for MySQL.
  • MySQL-sr-lib − MySQL General Purpose Stored Routines Library. This is a A repository of ready to use routines for everyday needs. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
  • Understanding SQL − If you are new to SQL then go through this tutorial to understand SQL basics. SQL, the Structured Query Language, is a mature, powerful, and versatile relational query language.
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