Operator Functions in Python | Set 1

Course Curriculum

Operator Functions in Python | Set 1

Operator Functions in Python | Set 1

Python has predefined functions for many mathematical, logical, relational, bitwise etc operations under the module “operator”. Some of the basic functions are covered in this article.

1. add(a, b) :- This functions returns addition of the given arguments.
Operation – a + b.

2. sub(a, b) :- This functions returns difference of the given arguments.
Operation – a – b.

3. mul(a, b) :- This functions returns product of the given arguments.
Operation – a * b.

# Python code to demonstrate working of
# add(), sub(), mul()

# importing operator module
import operator

# Initializing variables
a = 4

b = 3

# using add() to add two numbers
print ("The addition of numbers is :",end="");
print (operator.add(a, b))

# using sub() to subtract two numbers
print ("The difference of numbers is :",end="");
print (operator.sub(a, b))

# using mul() to multiply two numbers
print ("The product of numbers is :",end="");
print (operator.mul(a, b))

The addition of numbers is :7
The difference of numbers is :1
The product of numbers is :12
4. truediv(a,b) :- This functions returns division of the given arguments.
Operation – a / b.

5. floordiv(a,b) :- This functions also returns division of the given arguments. But the value is floored value i.e. returns greatest small integer.
Operation – a // b.

6. pow(a,b) :- This functions returns exponentiation of the given arguments.
Operation – a ** b.

7. mod(a,b) :- This functions returns modulus of the given arguments.
Operation – a % b.

# Python code to demonstrate working of
# truediv(), floordiv(), pow(), mod()

# importing operator module
import operator

# Initializing variables
a = 5

b = 2

# using truediv() to divide two numbers
print ("The true division of numbers is : ",end="");
print (operator.truediv(a,b))

# using floordiv() to divide two numbers
print ("The floor division of numbers is : ",end="");
print (operator.floordiv(a,b))

# using pow() to exponentiate two numbers
print ("The exponentiation of numbers is : ",end="");
print (operator.pow(a,b))

# using mod() to take modulus of two numbers
print ("The modulus of numbers is : ",end="");
print (operator.mod(a,b))

The true division of numbers is : 2.5
The floor division of numbers is : 2
The exponentiation of numbers is : 25
The modulus of numbers is : 1
8. lt(a, b) :- This function is used to check if a is less than b or not. Returns true if a is less than b, else returns false.
Operation – a < b.

9. le(a, b) :- This function is used to check if a is less than or equal to b or not. Returns true if a is less than or equal to b, else returns false.
Operation – a <= b.

10. eq(a, b) :- This function is used to check if a is equal to b or not. Returns true if a is equal to b, else returns false.
Operation – a == b.

# Python code to demonstrate working of
# lt(), le() and eq()

# importing operator module
import operator

# Initializing variables
a = 3

b = 3

# using lt() to check if a is less than b
print ("3 is less than 3")
else : print ("3 is not less than 3")

# using le() to check if a is less than or equal to b
print ("3 is less than or equal to 3")
else : print ("3 is not less than or equal to 3")

# using eq() to check if a is equal to b
if (operator.eq(a,b)):
print ("3 is equal to 3")
else : print ("3 is not equal to 3")

3 is not less than 3
3 is less than or equal to 3
3 is equal to 3
11. gt(a,b) :- This function is used to check if a is greater than b or not. Returns true if a is greater than b, else returns false.
Operation – a > b.

12. ge(a,b) :- This function is used to check if a is greater than or equal to b or not. Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b, else returns false.
Operation – a >= b.

13. ne(a,b) :- This function is used to check if a is not equal to b or is equal. Returns true if a is not equal to b, else returns false.
Operation – a != b.

# Python code to demonstrate working of
# gt(), ge() and ne()

# importing operator module
import operator

# Initializing variables
a = 4

b = 3

# using gt() to check if a is greater than b
if (operator.gt(a,b)):
print ("4 is greater than 3")
else : print ("4 is not greater than 3")

# using ge() to check if a is greater than or equal to b
if (operator.ge(a,b)):
print ("4 is greater than or equal to 3")
else : print ("4 is not greater than or equal to 3")

# using ne() to check if a is not equal to b
if (operator.ne(a,b)):
print ("4 is not equal to 3")
else : print ("4 is equal to 3")

4 is greater than 3
4 is greater than or equal to 3
4 is not equal to 3

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