Oracle Database Connection in Python

Course Curriculum

Oracle Database Connection in Python

Oracle Database Connection in Python

Sometimes as the part of programming, we required to work with the databases because we want to store huge amount of information so we use databases, such as Oracle, MySQL etc. So In this article, we will discuss the connectivity of Oracle database with Python. This can be done through the module name cx_Oracle.

Oracle Database
For communicating any database with our Python program, then we required some connector which is nothing but the cx_Oracle module.

For installing cx_Oracle :

pip install cx_Oracle
By this command, you can install cx_Oracle package but it is required to install Oracle database first in your PC.

How to use this module for connection

  • Import database specific module
    Ex. import cx_Oracle
  • connect(): Now Establish a connection between Python program and Oracle database by using connect() function.
    con = cx_Oracle.connect('username/password@localhost')
  • cursor(): To execute sql query and to provide result some special object required is nothing but cursor() object
    cursor = cx_Oracle.cursor()
  • execute method :
    cursor.execute(sqlquery) – – – -> to execute single query.
    cursor.execute(sqlqueries) – – – -> to execute a group of multiple sqlquery seperated by “;”
  • commit(): For DML(Data Manuplate Language) query in this query you have (update, insert, delete) operation we need to commit() then only the result reflecte in database.
  • Fetch(): This retrieves the next row of a query result set and returns a single sequence, or None if no more rows are available.
  • close(): After all done mendentory to close all operation


Creting table:

# importing module
import cx_Oracle

# Create a table in Oracle database

con = cx_Oracle.connect('scott/tiger@localhost')

# Now execute the sqlquery
cursor = con.cursor()

# Creating a table srollno heading which is number
cursor.execute("create table student(srollno number,
name varchar2(10), efees number(10, 2)")

print("Table Created successful")

except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
print("There is a problem with Oracle", e)

# by writing finally if any error occurs
# then also we can close the all database operation
if cursor:
if con:

Table Created successful

Inserting into table:

# Program to create a table in Oracle database
import cx_Oracle


con = cx_Oracle.connect('scott/tiger@localhost')

# Now execute the sqlquery
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute("insert into student values(19585, Niranjan Shukla, 72000")

# commit that insert the provided data

print("value inserted successful")

except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
print("There is a problem with Oracle", e)

# by writing finally if any error occurs
# then also we can close the all database operation
if cursor:
if con:

value inserted successful

(Next Lesson) Python – Environment Setup