String Functions using Numpy

String Functions using Numpy

The following functions are used to perform vectorized string operations for arrays of dtype numpy.string or numpy.unicode. They are based on the standard string functions in Python's built-in library.

Sr.No. Function & Description
1 add()
Returns element-wise string concatenation for two arrays of str or Unicode
2 multiply()
Returns the string with multiple concatenation, element-wise
3 center()
Returns a copy of the given string with elements centered in a string of specified length
4 capitalize()
Returns a copy of the string with only the first character capitalized
5 title()
Returns the element-wise title cased version of the string or unicode
6 lower()
Returns an array with the elements converted to lowercase
7 upper()
Returns an array with the elements converted to uppercase
8 split()
Returns a list of the words in the string, using separatordelimiter
9 splitlines()
Returns a list of the lines in the element, breaking at the line boundaries
10 strip()
Returns a copy with the leading and trailing characters removed
11 join()
Returns a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the sequence
12 replace()
Returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of substring replaced by the new string
13 decode()
Calls str.decode element-wise
14 encode()
Calls str.encode element-wise

Returns element-wise string concatenation for two arrays of str or Unicode
Returns the string with multiple concatenation, element-wise
Returns a copy of the given string with elements centered in a string of specified length
Returns a copy of the string with only the first character capitalized
Returns the element-wise title cased version of the string or unicode
Returns an array with the elements converted to lowercase
Returns an array with the elements converted to uppercase
Returns a list of the words in the string, using separatordelimiter
Returns a list of the lines in the element, breaking at the line boundaries
Returns a copy with the leading and trailing characters removed
Returns a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the sequence
Returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of substring replaced by the new string
Calls str.decode element-wise
Calls str.encode element-wise
These functions are defined in character array class (numpy.char). The older Numarray package contained chararray class. The above functions in numpy.char class are useful in performing vectorized string operations.

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(Next Lesson) Mathematical Functions using Numpy
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