JQuery Books

JQuery Books


Beginning JavaScript Development With jQuery by Richard York


  • This is a single book that covers both jQuery and the jQuery UI project
  • Great book, I'm only a few chapters in and it is very informative.
  • This book is great for learning jQuery.
  • This book is a good book to start with to read about the basics.
  • Good book! I like this one. Lots of information and exercises.
  • The book is well laid out with chapters devoted to each of JQuery's main areas, selectors, AJAX, Manipulating the DOM, Event handling, etc.


Jquery in Action by Bear Bibeault


  • The book is very helpful for beginners and expert.
  • Excellent book. Every web developer should read it.
  • Has really helped me learn jquery
  • Good source of the web entity Jquery. A good way to learning and picking up this web entity.
  • excellent book. really. you should have it.


jQuery: Novice to Ninja by Earle Castledine


  • This book takes you through the fundamentals of jQuery, adding interactivity and animation to your websites.
  • Then, you’ll be taken through more sophisticated techniques, including plugins, UI widgets, and the brand new jQuery mobile framework.
  • Pretty good book on the whole, I'm really learning a lot.
  • This book covers all the key topics, but the best part of this book is that it's written in a way which is easy to understand.
  • There is so much info packed into this book, and so many real-world examples, it's impossible to take everything in with only a single read.
  • The writing was obviously for teenagers still good work at explaining the concepts.
  • Great reading and reference.
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