MERN Stack Developer (Demo)

MERN Stack Developer (Demo)


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SKU: cid_93523 Category:

Throughout the course, hands-on exercises (both classroom & Lab Assignment) are designed to teach how to create a dynamic & responsive website using HTML5, Javascript, Express, Node.

Course Objective

Learn the syntax, semantics, and idioms of the Javascript programming language. Gain confidence in Web designing we will go through lots of practical exercises that provide useful exposure or design to the various components.

Target Audience

The course can be taken by:

Students: All students who are pursuing any technical/professional courses related to computer science / Information Technology.

Teachers/Faculties: All computer science teachers/faculties who wish to acquire new skills.

Professionals: All IT professionals, who wish to upgrade their skills.

Additional Learning

We shall be also be conducting some value-added workshops over and above your regular course which will help you learn things other than your course.

Course Features
  • 24X7 Access: You can view lectures at your own convenience.
  • Online lectures: Online lectures with high-quality videos.
  • Updated Quality content: Content is the latest and gets updated regularly to meet the current industry demands.
Test & Evaluation

1. During the program, the participants will have to take all the assignments given to them for better learning.

2. At the end of the program, a final assessment will be conducted.


1. All successful participants will be provided with a certificate of completion.

2. Students who do not complete the course / leave it midway will not be awarded any certificate.

Topics to be covered


This is only a demo course. The full course can be bought here

Working with MERN Stack

1. Working with HTML5

  1. HTML Introduction and History
  2. Working with HTML Elements
  3. Adding Attributes to HTML Element
  4. Working with Input Elements
  5. Working with Forms
  6. Working with Lists
  7. Working with HTML Tables
  8. Adding Styles to HTML Elements

2. Introduction to HTML5

  1. Introduction to HTML5 Doctype
  2. HTML5 New Elements
  3. Working with HTML5 Geolocator APIs
  4. Working with Local and Session Storage
  5. HTML5 Audio and Video Tag

3. Working with Application Styling

  1. Working with Classes for Styling
  2. Attaching Styling to Element Id
  3. CSS Box Model
  4. Working with Flexbox
  5. Adding Animation to the Elements
  6. Working with “position
  7. Introduction to “display” Property

4. Working with Bootstrap

  1. Introduction to Bootstrap
  2. Bootstrap Layout Model
  3. Working with Bootstrap Components
  4. Working with Bootstrap Utilities

5. Introduction to JavaScript

  1. Creating Variables in JavaScript
  2. Creating Functions in JavaScript
  3. Returning Data from Functions
  4. Working with Conditions
  5. Looping in JavaScript
  6. JavaScript Execution Model
  7. Understanding “false” and “falsy” Values
  8. Block Scope Variables
  9. Function Definition vs Declarations

6. Working with Objects

  1. Creating Object using Object Literals
  2. Working with Module Pattern
  3. Working with IIFEs
  4. Creating Singleton Objects
  5. Creating Objects with Prototype Pattern

7. Manipulating DOM Elements with JavaScript

  1. Accessing DOM Elements using “tag” name
  2. Accessing DOM element using “classes”
  3. Accessing Elements using “id”
  4. Manipulating DOM Elements
  5. Updating DOM styling with JavaScript

8. Working with Modern JavaScript

  1. Working with ES6
  2. Variable and Block Scope
  3. Arrow Functions
  4. Object Literals
  5. Rest and Spread Operators
  6. Template String
  7. Working with Classes
  8. Promises in ES6
  9. Working with Async and Await

Working with React Basics

1. Introduction To React

  1. Introduction To React
  2. What is React?
  3. Setting Up React Development Environment
  4. Advantages and Disadvantages
  5. React vs Angular
  6. Working with Virtual DOMs

2. Working with Functional Components

  1. Understanding React Functional Component
  2. Defining a Component
  3. Component Rendering
  4. Understanding JSX
  5. JSX vs Native JavaScript Implementation
  6. Multiline JSX
  7. Understanding the parameters in “ReactDOM”

3. Working with Data in Functional Component

  1. Understanding Props Data
  2. Passing Props data to the Component
  3. Understanding and Updating Props
  4. Interpolating Data in Component
  5. Invoking Functions in React Component
  6. Raising Event with React Components
  7. Working With Spread and Rest Operators

4. Creating State Components

  1. Understanding State Components
  2. Adding State to the Component
  3. Passing State to Child Components
  4. Updating Component State
  5. Understanding State Update impact on props
  6. Working with “setState”
  7. Understanding “setState” asynchronous behavior

5. Working with Child Components

  1. Adding Child Component to Parent Components
  2. Passing Data to Child Components
  3. Lifting the State
  4. Updating the Parent Data from Child Component

6. React Basics Introduction

  1. Working with Conditional Operators
  2. Working with Iterations
  3. Working with Keys in Iteration
  4. Incorrect Usage of Keys
  5. Performance Impact of Keys in Iteration

7. Understanding React Lifecycle

  1. Working with Lifecycle Events
  2. Working with “shouldComponentUpdate”
  3. Understanding “shouldComponentUpdate” complexity
  4. Optimizing code with “shouldComponentUpdate”
  5. Working with Force Update

8. Working with Routing in React

  1. Understanding the dynamics of Single Page Architecture
  2. Creating Single Page architecture with React Routers
  3. Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter
  4. Defining React Router and Switch and Links
  5. Nested Routing in React
  6. Working with Render Props
  7. Creating Private Routes
  8. Prompt User on Page Redirection
  9. Creating Custom Routes and Links

9. Working with Forms

  1. Capturing Events from Forms
  2. Updating Forms Data
  3. Working with Uncontrolled Elements
  4. Working with TextArea, Inputs, etc

10. Understanding Uncontrolled Elements

  1. Uncontrolled vs Controlled Elements
  2. Understanding “ref” in React
  3. Advantage and Disadvantages of Uncontrolled Elements

11. Performance Optimization with React 16.8

  1. Working with Pure Components
  2. Working with React Fragments
  3. Function binding with Arrows vs “bind” keyword.
  4. Working with “memos”
  5. Working with Lazy and Suspense
  6. Providing Default parameters

Working with NodeJs

1. Getting Started with Node.js

  1. Course Introduction
  2. What in Node.js
  3. Why Node.js
  4. Installing Node.js
  5. Building Sample Node Script
  6. Executing Node Scripts

2. Node.js Execution Model

  1. Working with Event Loop
  2. Event Based Architecture
  3. Working with Event Emitters
  4. Node Asynchronous Programming
  5. Working with Callbacks

3. Events in Node.js

  1. Event Based Programming
  2. Events and Event Emitter Classes
  3. Broadcasting Events in Node.js
  4. Capture Node Events

4. Streams in Node.js

  1. Understanding Streams
  2. Readable and Writable Streams
  3. Piping Between Streams
  4. Passing Data through multiple Streams

5. Accessing Local System using Node.js

  1. Understanding “Process” Object
  2. Interaction with File Systems
  3. Capturing Operating System Details using Node.js
  4. Working with “fs” Module
  5. Understanding the “os” Module

6. Node.js for Web

  1. Creating Basic HTTP Server
  2. Working with HTTP Routes
  3. Parsing URLs and Query Strings

7. Socket Programming

  1. Understanding Sockets in Node.js
  2. Setting up
  3. Sending Messages via Sockets
  4. User Triggered Messaging
  5. Broadcasting Mouse Movements
  6. Creating Sample Chat Application

8. Accessing Data with Node.jstle

  1. Working with No-SQL Databases
  2. Installing MongoDB
  3. Accessing MongoDB Server
  4. Writing Data to MongoDB Server
  5. Querying Data from MongoDB Server
  6. Inserting Data in MongoDB
  7. Using Forms for Data Insertion
  8. Creating New Documents
  9. Handling Errors

9. Building APIs with Node.js

  1. What is HTTP APIs
  2. Creating a Controller
  3. Creating a GET Action
  4. Creating POST Action
  5. Creating a PUT Request
  6. Using APIs to interact with MongoDB Server

10. Securing Node.js

  1. Understanding Passport Authentication
  2. Creating Registration Page
  3. Securing Passwords
  4. Installing Passport
  5. Verifying Credentials
  6. Integration of Passport and Express
  7. Creating Login Page
  8. Authorization Pages and APIs

No experience is required. But fundamental knowledge of programming languages & OOPS concept would be helpful.